
ICanHasCheezburger Community Members Show off Their Fluffy Feline Sun-Puddle-Loving Babies Catching Rays

Hey, friends! All creatures, including cats, thrive under sunlight. Cats are natural sun-seekers, utilizing its warmth to compensate for the slight drop in body temperature during sleep. Interestingly, cats have fewer heat receptors than humans. Who would’ve guessed? Thanks, Wikipedia. We adore watching our feline friends bask in the sun, looking serene and content.

This sense of adoration led us to challenge our ICanHasCheezburger community members to show off adorable pictures of their beloved cats resting in sunny spots! Our community came through, as always, and delivered us a whole bunch of utterly heartwarming pictures of their comedic and calm cats finding their purrfect sunny spot and basking in the sun puddles. Consider yourself warned: the following images contain an absurdly high level of cuteness and overall wholesome goodness, so proceed with caution and try not to take it all in at once. 

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Get fucking patrolled

Why these signs exist…mankind may never know…(39 Photos)