
Hissterical Cat Memes Celebrating The Superiority Of All Things Feline

Hello fellow feline enthusiasts! Today, we want to tackle the stereotype surrounding cat lovers. It’s a common misconception that those of us who adore cats, particularly women, are labeled as “crazy cat ladies.” While we may chuckle at the label, it’s time to set the record straight: we cat lovers are perfectly sane individuals.

Despite our overwhelming sanity, we cat people also acknowledge the fact that cats reign supreme in our worlds. Our cats call the shots, when they’re hungry, they let us know and we feed them. When we forgetful and silly humans leave a glass of water out on the counter unattended, they are going to push the glass over. They’ve trained us well at this point, and we almost always remember to put the glasses away before they can be seen by a creature of the feline variety, but alas, we are imperfect creatures. Unlike our cats, who are supreme purrfection. Now, enjoy these hissterical cat memes celebrating the superiority of all things feline. 

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