
A Hissterical Feline Pawrent’s Guide To Changing The Bedding While Battling Your Cat (Video)

Ah, what a classic situation. After far more than the acceptable amount of time has passed to change your bedsheets, you finally find the time and motivation to get stuck in to one of the less desirable chores that have to be done around the house. You have got everything in place, from your fresh new sheets, to the laundry basket, to a clean spot to put your pillows and comforter. However, there is one problem, your feline fur baby has cottoned on to what is about to happen and has officially entered the chat, or, well in this case the room.

As such, we are lucky to be graced with this feline pawrent’s handy guide to changing the bedding while battling your cat. That being said we do not want you to get your hopes up too much, as this funny cat video is more ironic than it is serious and ultimately there is little, to nothing, that we can do to mitigate the effects of a furry feline on the bedsheet changing process. So kick back and get ready for a barrel of painfully relatable laughs.

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